Monday, December 6, 2010

The Buddha and the Chorten

My first day off was Saturday. Kajil is a young Canadian lady who has an MD and JD and is finishing her Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship, working here also under the auspices of HVO. She is very athletic and has the endurance of a draft horse. She is lovely company, but runs me ragged. We went out and about together on Saturday to visit the Buddha under construction, visit the National Memorial Chorten, and poke around town.

The Buddha is new construction on the top of a hill. Fortunately, it was on a road rather than trail. Many of the religious works here are on tops of hills, on sides of mountains, all that stuff.  Anyway, we had a nice walk up to the top:

On the way up to the Buddha
Prayer flags
Prayer flags
What a cutie!

The Buddha

The Buddha
We then came down the mountain and visited the National Memorial Chorten, which is a Buddhist shrine containing relics. The area had many visitors-- gorgeous day.

The Chorten

Prayer wheels

Elderly ladies walking and praying

We then walked around town. Lots of things to see-- the pictures are only a taste-- more to come from other forays.

Typical older house

Saw these at the market. NO idea what they are.
A fellow shopper

The vegetable market

Covered bridge
A bit foot-weary but none the worse for the wear, we went  back to the apartment.

Next:  Tiger's Nest

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