Friday, December 3, 2010

My First Couple of Days in Bhutan

Yeah, that's a really lame title, I know. I don't know where to begin, though, in describing the barrage of new things here.

The trip from Paro to Thimphu, the capital, took about 1 1/2 hours over a winding road filled with deranged truckers, work crews, and a police checkpoint to add to the mix. The scenery was spectacular, but we were so jostled I couldn't take any pictures.

The city of Thimphu is a combination of new construction sprawling everywhere and older buildings. The town is in a river valley and climbs up the sides of the surrounding hills. It is impossible to go anywhere without repeatedly losing and gaining elevation. My legs will be very, very strong after this monts. The style of architecture is profoundly different from the West, and unlike other Asian countries such as China and Thailand, where the newer construction is western style, all of the buildings here retain a traditional style.
The view out of the ICU.
My apartment building
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital
Many people here dress traditionally, and it is incongruous to see a man in traditional dress talking on a cell phone.

There's a face peeking over the fruit...
Family outside the hospital
Finally, the other thing that cannot be ignored is that the plant  below grows wild and everywhere...

On that mellow note, I close this post. Next:  Chart Dividers

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