Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Final Walk Around Thimphu

The title is not exactly accurate. This post is primarily to show some pictures of Thimphu's monastic architecture, primarily the Thimphu dzong. It is huge, and is the seat of government. I visited it with Kajal while she was still here, and never posted the photos. Later, like the 26th of December, I did take a good long walk up in the hills and got some good photos of the dzong from elevation. While up on the trails, I visited another monastery and at one point was literally engulfed in a sea of prayer flags.

Here are some shots of the dzong:

When I walked to the Sangyegang radio tower, as it is called, I didn't realize that there were prayer flags all over. The wind was blowing, and it was just beautiful:

I walked from the radio tower through a pine forest to the Wangduetse Gompa, a monastery, where I made the usual donation, was blessed by the monk, and went inside and saw the Buddha:

A nice walk, just the right amount of exertion, met some lovely people along the way. A nice day.

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